Well I finally sent in the digital card to get the photos developed. Full up to 215 pics. Then I plan on doing some scrapping. I also bought a new card so I can have a go at taking some pics of my layouts for you all to see. I plan on doing this tomorrow, if I can get close enough to the computer. Brock has spent 24/7 on it playing games. He goes back to school on Thursday so hopefully I will have the computer all to myself again. I need to sort out some things to put on eBay, so I can sell them to buy more items LOL.
My craft room is fantastic, my place away from it all. I have had a good tidy up and tried to do some sewing. I have started a quilt for my MUM. Very chabby and chic in the greens and pinks. I hope she likes it.
I spent yesterday making curtains for my son's caravan, out of some lovely heavy brown velvet. He is very happy with them. And so is Chantelle. Their room is coming along well. they put the insulation and the plaster on the roof yesterday. So it is more like a house than a shed now. The water is going on next week. the telephone was put on today the man mucked around for ages only to find the connection line was damaged. I hope we don't get a huge bill????
The kids drove me mad today, Gareth playing his loud music and Brock on the Xbox. Far too loud for me to cope with I am afraid. But they are kids and need to make a hell of a lot of noise sometimes.
All is quietening down now Paul is gone to bed. He gets up at 4.30 to go to work. I sleep til about 7 or 8. But will have to start getting out of bed instead of going back to sleep, to make sure Brock goes to school. Although he is pretty excited about going to high school. So I am sure he won't be missing the bus as much this year. He hated the last term of last year. A few of the kids left the school, during that time.
Nothing on TV to watch tonight. Not even on pay TV. I can't wait for real TV to start again.
That's my lot for tonight. Bye for now.
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