Wednesday, November 21, 2007

I have been tagged by Chelle, Thank you for my award. It's nice to win things.

Ok, where was I last post.

We, hubby son and me headed off to Port Vincent South Australia for a few rushed days. 12 hour car trip, wow is it a long way or what. I was lucky enough to meet another of my cyber mates on the way over, Chelle you are a gem, and your family ROCK. Great to have met you. the little Nissan Pulsar ran like a dream, the only thing happened was the wiper blade blew off in extremely heavy rain, and we had to stop to fix that.. the trip through Adelaide town was a bit difficult, there had been a truck accident and we were diverted from the main road, so we got lost of course, only ever having been there once before, we spent half hour, driving around and around, going in a ll diresctions, until i mentioned to hubby, "why don't we ask someone" Dah. well he did, we were on the right road as it turned out, to get out of the city. "T'was hubbies turn to drive" dumb bumb..................................................
when we finally got to our destination, we had a lovely time partying with his family for the weekend, a few of the boys went midnight fishing off the pier., this little black duck slept the night away. Brock cut his foot open on razor fish, he took his shoes off, in the water after being warned to leave them on. Men have no brains. We went for a great walk along the beach on the Sunday, I love the beach. Then traveled the long trip home Monday.

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