Saturday, November 17, 2007


Kaye - Nikki - me - Emily - Julene
gee, am i the worst blogger or what, august was my last reply. i have done so much in that time, i will have to look at my calender and catch you all up on the gos.

for a start, i went to a scrapbooking retreat for our forum purplescraps, in september, what a hoot, we had so much fun, it was awesome. especially to finally get to meet my cyber friends face to face. here are the girls, i will have to find another one because Melinda is not in it. I haven't labeled all my pix yet they still have numbers, sorry Mel. I learned loads of new techniques, like painting chipboard, using Bling. BLING BLING HELLO

I will load on some of my layouts i did while in Bendigo, not tonight though.

I picked up 3 of the girls at Tullamarine, we traveled in the little red DEVIL - my car - well we squeezed in. funny as, you had to be there. LOL we drove up to Bendigo, and stopped for lunch at St.Arnaud at a lovely bakery for lunch YUM. Then we headed off again, to be pulled over by this silly old man in the middle of the road lost and looking for directions, Me the country chick pulled over and gave him the directions, I hope he found where he was going because I was only guessing.????? The girls thought i was crazy, stopping for a stranger, but i would do it again.
We stayed with the lovely Kaye, and talked all night like young school girls. We all felt like we had known each other forever, it was a fantastic weekend.
it's getting late and we are having a thunder storm, so i will sign off now and the next chapter will be soon i promise.


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