Wednesday, August 22, 2007

The three quilts are just the tops, I haven't got around to making the sandwich yet and sewing them together. I take things at my own pace, but I have til the 20th September to have the 3 of them finished. Mind you the tops have been finished for a few months now, nothing like rushing is there??
I have another one made too, for my niece. I should get them all done and out of the way so I can start on some more. My oldest son wants one made from fake fur, in animal fabric, i have it all there just need the motivation to do it. Not too sure how it will sew up as it is varying thickness's. I might just do it in squares, not sure yet. This one is a challenge.
OK bye for now and have a great day.
BTW Thank you everyone who has left comments for me.
This one is Mathew's his other son about 5 or so. The butterflies are ironed on with edging in rik rak and I have done some embroidering with the sewing machine and by hand.
This one is for his son Daniel he is about 8 I think. I loved the fun in this one. I used lots of rik rak, and ribbons and sewed some buttons over the fantasy thread panels in the middle. Fantasy threads are all sorts of things like fibres, ribbon, cotton, left over fabric and then sewn over with invisible thread, with the feed dogs down. I enjoy making these different things.
This quilt top is for Rohan for his 50th Birthday 3 months ago. Looks hard but I found it quite easy just triangles made into squares. Ro is my best friend Karen's lovely husband. We are going out together on the 20th September to see Steely Dan in Melbourne. Can't wait. We have always had the same taste in music, Karen is more the real older type 50's and 60's.
Sorry I have put these on back the front, don't know how to change it.

I enjoy making quilts for other people and giving them away. I have made quilts for my kids. Brock's is folded up in the cupboard. Mine is on my bed.

I love working with bright colors.

Any way thanks for looking and talk soon. all the best Julie

Mickie's puppies at 1 week old 2 weeks ago

felted sea scene

This is my first project with my new Janome Expression needle felting machine, not a good picture as i am a terrible photographer. I had so much fun making this too. I needle felted the purple background from a knitted vest i made that was a failure, i can't knit either. Then I added various fibres and felted them down to create the scene, then put vlisofex over it and heated it with the heat gun and sewed and glued the bits and pieces on. This is going to my Auntie Maree.

This is the quilt I made for my Mum earlier this year

I made this for my mum earlier this year, she cried when I gave it to her. I loved working on it.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

update on my leg

well i still have a lump on my shin the doctor says it could take 12 months to completely go away, i have no pain anymore. Very lucky to not have broken my leg, I have a knee replacement on that leg, well both legs really, so lucky it didn't displace. I can walk Ok on it and all is well, the scabby bit has not healed properly yet, that should clear as the lump goes down., or so the quack says.
Oh and Dylan the 18yo has moved out of home, well the shed., and split up with his girlfriend, i still see her as we were good mates.Life has changed a bit around here, now I just have Brock to look after, well he looks after himself being 13 and going on 30 and all.
I have changed computers and have to get some time to load on all the new and old pictures I have taken, this will take me a while, so over the next week or so I promise I will catch up on doing that and then show off the new things I have made lately.
I now have XP to play with and Vista is coming in the next few days.
I have been on windows 2000 since it come out, and bigpond have sped me up, so I go faster now, that is so great.

I have made a couple of altered tins and boxes, 5 quilt tops, and loads of atc's, this is my new hobby. To go with the other 50 I have already.

So check you all in the not so distant future, bee good.


This one is Thanks Berry Much, the background is colored in chalk then stamped, I put a seed beed in the birds mouth for fun I like fun things.

Now a big THANK YOU TO ALL THAT HAVE LEFT COMMENTS for me. Good to know someone looks at my things.

Here are a couple of recent cards I have made, this one was entered in card of the month with the 4theloveofstamping group, called dare to dream, the theme was wings.
I used a serviette, peeled off the bottom 2 layers and placed gladwrap on the surface of the card and ironed it on, them inked the edges, which is a bit of a trademark of mine, then stamped and colored in the butterfly.