Saturday, December 22, 2007

I was gunna send you something hot and sexy for Christmas but the postman told me to take the stamps off my arse and get the F#@* out of the post box



hope Santa brings you what you want for Christmas


Thursday, December 20, 2007

I got tagged by my great friend MARGARET Thank you isn't it lovely.
It's arrival made me feel very special.

have a great day all.

Christmas wishes to everyone, i hope Santa brings you what you want

Thursday, December 13, 2007

13th December - Look out for SPOOKS

good to see people looking at my blog, i have had the most visits ever in the last few days. So Thanks for Looking

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Steely Dan concert

I was lucky enough to get a ticket for the Steely Dan concert in September, my best friend bought 2 tickets for Rohan her hubby to go to the concert, you know the one i made the quilt for?? Well Karen didn't want to go after hearing their music she decided she didn't like them - so here comes Julie - i will go, and yes it was a great night, we went to Gopals the hari Krishna restaurant in Melbourne YUM YUM. then did the walk to the tennis centre along the yarra. i had to sit and have a rest half way, and was sitting on a bench seat looking at the water and got the fright of my life, this silly bicycle rider came passed me and frightened the
out of me, i felt the wind of the speeding rider pass my face, i screamed of course and everyone looked. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
the concert was fantastic, it was great to listen to their songs and take me back in time. the only song they didn't sing was Rikki don't lose that number. I wanted to reflect what was happening at that time in my life. Isn't it funny you - well i can- listen to a song and remember what and where you were at that time it was a hit.

so that is my post for today, have a great day. Julie

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

I have been tagged by Chelle, Thank you for my award. It's nice to win things.

Ok, where was I last post.

We, hubby son and me headed off to Port Vincent South Australia for a few rushed days. 12 hour car trip, wow is it a long way or what. I was lucky enough to meet another of my cyber mates on the way over, Chelle you are a gem, and your family ROCK. Great to have met you. the little Nissan Pulsar ran like a dream, the only thing happened was the wiper blade blew off in extremely heavy rain, and we had to stop to fix that.. the trip through Adelaide town was a bit difficult, there had been a truck accident and we were diverted from the main road, so we got lost of course, only ever having been there once before, we spent half hour, driving around and around, going in a ll diresctions, until i mentioned to hubby, "why don't we ask someone" Dah. well he did, we were on the right road as it turned out, to get out of the city. "T'was hubbies turn to drive" dumb bumb..................................................
when we finally got to our destination, we had a lovely time partying with his family for the weekend, a few of the boys went midnight fishing off the pier., this little black duck slept the night away. Brock cut his foot open on razor fish, he took his shoes off, in the water after being warned to leave them on. Men have no brains. We went for a great walk along the beach on the Sunday, I love the beach. Then traveled the long trip home Monday.

Saturday, November 17, 2007


Kaye - Nikki - me - Emily - Julene
gee, am i the worst blogger or what, august was my last reply. i have done so much in that time, i will have to look at my calender and catch you all up on the gos.

for a start, i went to a scrapbooking retreat for our forum purplescraps, in september, what a hoot, we had so much fun, it was awesome. especially to finally get to meet my cyber friends face to face. here are the girls, i will have to find another one because Melinda is not in it. I haven't labeled all my pix yet they still have numbers, sorry Mel. I learned loads of new techniques, like painting chipboard, using Bling. BLING BLING HELLO

I will load on some of my layouts i did while in Bendigo, not tonight though.

I picked up 3 of the girls at Tullamarine, we traveled in the little red DEVIL - my car - well we squeezed in. funny as, you had to be there. LOL we drove up to Bendigo, and stopped for lunch at St.Arnaud at a lovely bakery for lunch YUM. Then we headed off again, to be pulled over by this silly old man in the middle of the road lost and looking for directions, Me the country chick pulled over and gave him the directions, I hope he found where he was going because I was only guessing.????? The girls thought i was crazy, stopping for a stranger, but i would do it again.
We stayed with the lovely Kaye, and talked all night like young school girls. We all felt like we had known each other forever, it was a fantastic weekend.
it's getting late and we are having a thunder storm, so i will sign off now and the next chapter will be soon i promise.


Wednesday, August 22, 2007

The three quilts are just the tops, I haven't got around to making the sandwich yet and sewing them together. I take things at my own pace, but I have til the 20th September to have the 3 of them finished. Mind you the tops have been finished for a few months now, nothing like rushing is there??
I have another one made too, for my niece. I should get them all done and out of the way so I can start on some more. My oldest son wants one made from fake fur, in animal fabric, i have it all there just need the motivation to do it. Not too sure how it will sew up as it is varying thickness's. I might just do it in squares, not sure yet. This one is a challenge.
OK bye for now and have a great day.
BTW Thank you everyone who has left comments for me.
This one is Mathew's his other son about 5 or so. The butterflies are ironed on with edging in rik rak and I have done some embroidering with the sewing machine and by hand.
This one is for his son Daniel he is about 8 I think. I loved the fun in this one. I used lots of rik rak, and ribbons and sewed some buttons over the fantasy thread panels in the middle. Fantasy threads are all sorts of things like fibres, ribbon, cotton, left over fabric and then sewn over with invisible thread, with the feed dogs down. I enjoy making these different things.
This quilt top is for Rohan for his 50th Birthday 3 months ago. Looks hard but I found it quite easy just triangles made into squares. Ro is my best friend Karen's lovely husband. We are going out together on the 20th September to see Steely Dan in Melbourne. Can't wait. We have always had the same taste in music, Karen is more the real older type 50's and 60's.
Sorry I have put these on back the front, don't know how to change it.

I enjoy making quilts for other people and giving them away. I have made quilts for my kids. Brock's is folded up in the cupboard. Mine is on my bed.

I love working with bright colors.

Any way thanks for looking and talk soon. all the best Julie

Mickie's puppies at 1 week old 2 weeks ago

felted sea scene

This is my first project with my new Janome Expression needle felting machine, not a good picture as i am a terrible photographer. I had so much fun making this too. I needle felted the purple background from a knitted vest i made that was a failure, i can't knit either. Then I added various fibres and felted them down to create the scene, then put vlisofex over it and heated it with the heat gun and sewed and glued the bits and pieces on. This is going to my Auntie Maree.

This is the quilt I made for my Mum earlier this year

I made this for my mum earlier this year, she cried when I gave it to her. I loved working on it.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

update on my leg

well i still have a lump on my shin the doctor says it could take 12 months to completely go away, i have no pain anymore. Very lucky to not have broken my leg, I have a knee replacement on that leg, well both legs really, so lucky it didn't displace. I can walk Ok on it and all is well, the scabby bit has not healed properly yet, that should clear as the lump goes down., or so the quack says.
Oh and Dylan the 18yo has moved out of home, well the shed., and split up with his girlfriend, i still see her as we were good mates.Life has changed a bit around here, now I just have Brock to look after, well he looks after himself being 13 and going on 30 and all.
I have changed computers and have to get some time to load on all the new and old pictures I have taken, this will take me a while, so over the next week or so I promise I will catch up on doing that and then show off the new things I have made lately.
I now have XP to play with and Vista is coming in the next few days.
I have been on windows 2000 since it come out, and bigpond have sped me up, so I go faster now, that is so great.

I have made a couple of altered tins and boxes, 5 quilt tops, and loads of atc's, this is my new hobby. To go with the other 50 I have already.

So check you all in the not so distant future, bee good.


This one is Thanks Berry Much, the background is colored in chalk then stamped, I put a seed beed in the birds mouth for fun I like fun things.

Now a big THANK YOU TO ALL THAT HAVE LEFT COMMENTS for me. Good to know someone looks at my things.

Here are a couple of recent cards I have made, this one was entered in card of the month with the 4theloveofstamping group, called dare to dream, the theme was wings.
I used a serviette, peeled off the bottom 2 layers and placed gladwrap on the surface of the card and ironed it on, them inked the edges, which is a bit of a trademark of mine, then stamped and colored in the butterfly.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

mmmmmmm................... waffle

Good Morning every one, I am up bright and early today, been awake since 5. Lots of things on my mind.
I am making 40 or so cards for Margaret's card group, to send out to each member, nearly finished then. I like my new invented technique. Monocromatic sayings stamped all over each card. I really enjoyed doing these. With my chalk inks, why use anything else. i have to say they are my favorite inks. I have been collecting saying stamps for ages now, still looking for more.
Karen is getting married tomorrow, Chantelle's mum, the twins will be in purple and Karen in cream. I am doing the flowers for them all. My laundry smells like a florist atm. Should be a great day, if the weather holds out for us. So far the forecast is pretty good. The sun is shining here but bitterly cold close to the antartica end of the world.
My leg is sort of doing OK. It has opened up on my shin, and started to bleed a bit, the gash is very deep, I am going to have a beaut scar.
No more news for today, will catch up with some pictures on Sunday of all the things I have been doing.
So have a great day and keep smiling. Julie

Saturday, June 09, 2007

Look away if you are a bit queezy.

Hi there,
Below are the pictures my son has been logging of my leg. I am sure he will take more pics tomorrow. The bruising starts at my thigh and goes down to my toes, and the swelling and fluid is so painful at times, I can hardly work. Good news no broken bones, just the hematoma on my shin.
Apart from that I have been fine, been doing a lot of craft work, decorated some boxes, made a small book I will do some pics for you to see.
have a good evening and thanks for looking.

All my love Julie

Day 1 of being kicked

Imediately after being kicked

Hoof mark on my thigh

My leg day 5

Horse dramas

Hi there, I have been so slack I am not a very good blogger am I.
here is an up date on what has happened, 2 weeks ago i was kicked by my horse Tess.She was feeling unwell, so I did what the vet would have done and checked her out, i felt her stomach and she had a lump under there, and whacko, smacko, she kicked me in the thigh then ran her hoof down the front of my shin. here are some pics, watch out they are a bit gorey.
What appears to be a cut on my shin, has not opened, that was how it happened. It is the size of a cricket ball cut in half and the other half feels like it is inside my leg. 2 weeks later the color is still the same.
Hematoma is what the doctor told me i had.
Thanks for looking and I will keep you all updated I promise. Julie

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

This is a bag I made from sewing braid together as an experiment, it took a long time to sew. And was quite hard to do.

this one is scrap material I had with ric rac braid and trims sewn on top

This is s a ribbon pillow, some of my friends have some of these

and this is a slashed pillow of bright frogs I made as a trial to see if i could do it, and I did. It has 4 layers of fabric and slash the 3 top layers. I had fun doing this one.

this is a cross stitch I did years ago, and I made the outside with fabric, paper and braid all sewn together. The cross stitch took quite a long time to do, and sat around for years before I framed it. The cross stitch part is actually raised with wadding in behind.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007


Well here I am twice in 2 days, gee. What am I going to talk about. well yesterday I went to mum's farm for the day to help Dylan sort some sheep. Talked to mum a bit about nothing really, then had Macca's on the way home, I got to drive Dylan's new Nissan Navara twin cab ute, wow how great it was to drive a brand new car. never had much of an opportunity before. Easy to drive, high up so you can see heaps of idiots way up front. I had the trailer on too with the four wheel drive motorbike. Was way COOL for me.
Today I bummed around did some groups stuff, talked to anyone who wanted to listen. Gotta get bum in gear and work out something for a scrap swap, (sewing a tag) Is what I think I will do, a large tag though. Must do some samples, and take some pics.
I made another frame for one of my x stitch I did a few years back. Looks cool, take the pic's in the light tomorrow and post them then.
I had started to frame another one and realized i hadn't finished it, so better do that first.
I painted a frame to put my Wizard in.
Bummed around some more. Dawn up the road came for a visit and I had her in stitches laughing so hard she cried. What else, cooked tea, had a cuppa, talked some more, had a bath. now I am here.
Ebayed a little, ordered some scrap supplies and bummed some more. No pressure here to get anything done.
Ziggy bit my new puppy Trooper on the face and she screamed and would not open her eyes for about 5 minutes, then ran away and hid from me, I think she thought I did it to her. She loves me again now.
Shang got into the chook pellets and made a mess in the shed as usual the fat pig. (horse)

Til got her tattoo of a horse shoe with a rose on her foot, looks great. Got me going again. I know what I want now a snake on my laft armband with his head up.

I like color do YOU????????
I love Robbie too.
alright Good night.


Monday, February 26, 2007

Confession time, I have not blogged for 26 days.

Hi there, I did a sewing class the other week, this is the completed project. We started with painting the calico with acrylic paint them got some scrap fabric, cut it all up then sewed it on with the sewing machine, i did it freeform with feeddogs down and foot up with invisible thread, then ironed it to melt the thread. I really love doing this"outside the square" type of sewing.
So look forward to seeing some more of this from me. i have done a lot of fantasy thread stuff in the past, I will load those pics on later. I hope to get this in an exhibition coming up soon.
Some of my work has been in a local exhibition last year. This will be a regular thing for our region. I want to do more things for next time. Just let the imagination run wild and free. I usually like to make one off things. But with this i can see myself making more. It was so much fun to do.
So, thanks for looking and have a great day. Julie

Monday, January 29, 2007

Well I finally sent in the digital card to get the photos developed. Full up to 215 pics. Then I plan on doing some scrapping. I also bought a new card so I can have a go at taking some pics of my layouts for you all to see. I plan on doing this tomorrow, if I can get close enough to the computer. Brock has spent 24/7 on it playing games. He goes back to school on Thursday so hopefully I will have the computer all to myself again. I need to sort out some things to put on eBay, so I can sell them to buy more items LOL.

My craft room is fantastic, my place away from it all. I have had a good tidy up and tried to do some sewing. I have started a quilt for my MUM. Very chabby and chic in the greens and pinks. I hope she likes it.

I spent yesterday making curtains for my son's caravan, out of some lovely heavy brown velvet. He is very happy with them. And so is Chantelle. Their room is coming along well. they put the insulation and the plaster on the roof yesterday. So it is more like a house than a shed now. The water is going on next week. the telephone was put on today the man mucked around for ages only to find the connection line was damaged. I hope we don't get a huge bill????

The kids drove me mad today, Gareth playing his loud music and Brock on the Xbox. Far too loud for me to cope with I am afraid. But they are kids and need to make a hell of a lot of noise sometimes.
All is quietening down now Paul is gone to bed. He gets up at 4.30 to go to work. I sleep til about 7 or 8. But will have to start getting out of bed instead of going back to sleep, to make sure Brock goes to school. Although he is pretty excited about going to high school. So I am sure he won't be missing the bus as much this year. He hated the last term of last year. A few of the kids left the school, during that time.

Nothing on TV to watch tonight. Not even on pay TV.
I can't wait for real TV to start again.

That's my lot for tonight. Bye for now.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

A little bit of this and a little bit of that from me to you.

Mice had better go somewhere else - they're not welcome here.
Bad manners such as open-mouthed eating and slurping better be left outside our front door.
I am a passionate gardener and I do not have Coriander in my garden.YUK!!!
Cancer is a big "C" word.
Sign says - No balls to be thrown in this house.
Please take you shoes off at our door.
3 channels never turned on by me are, The Simpson's, Family Guy and the whole of the Comedy Channel.
In case of an accident, be a sweetie and wipe the seatie.
Don't let me catch anyone abusing animals.
Wake this person out of a deep sleep at your own peril.
Paedophiles and other sex offenders - I cannot say how loathsome you are.
Only workers and honest borrowers live here.
Noisy people, BE GONE!!! when I'm watching Lost or McLeod's Daughters.
Bad music is definitely not for me.
Bundy Rum is not to my taste.YUK!!!YUK!!!YUK!!!
How upsetting that some dogs kill cats. NOT for me, I'm afraid.
Too many dying on the roads, makes me want to miss Easter.

I love purple.
I love cats. I had 24 once?
I love horses.
I love Pasta.
I love Mexican food. Yummy.
I love Robbie Williams and REM. And Madonna.
I love my husband and my kids, and extended kids.
I love to play pool.
I love beer and bourbon.
I love Christmas.
I love my bed. I could sleep all day.
I love to shop.
I love a good cleanout and throwing things away.
I believe in the supernatural.
I believe in ghosts, have seen a few.
I believe in power of the mind.
I read tarot cards.
I love to read a good book.
My favorite TV show is LOST.
My favorite food is toasted cheese sandwiches in the press.
I love plenty of salt.
I love the internet.
I love to sew.
I love to quilt.
I love to scrap.
I would love to ride horses again.
I wish I was still 20, I would have changed heaps of things.
I am scared of dying

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

need to rant and rave about something

Well here i am, it's nearly 11 o'clock on a Wednesday night, i have had a few beers and hubby has gone to bed early as usual, he gets up at 5am so i shouldn't complain. But 2 hours before i started to write my blog, he was talking heiroglyphics, wow, how do men do that, i am on the subject at hand and he has gone into another dimension, that is the what did you say and how do we do that on no money void, i wish i was married to a millionaire on the things he wants to do stage of his life. i have spent the last 15 years waiting for the reason we are still together, and when is that gunna happen???? no, never. I still love him to the ends of the earth, please don't get me wrong. Just when is he gunna be a man and drink all night. Pardon me I need a smoke back soon ...................................
Black Eyed Peas - My humps what a great song or rythum, is what i call it with words, but great.what you gunna do with all that ass in those jeans???????? it's called spendin' all my money honey.................

Back again, well today what did I do???? someone (noboby) left the gate open from the house yard again, so Rosemary was gone - our pet sheep or lamb was nowhere to be found again. So I did my lookout for her, and yes for the 2nd time I found her out the paddock mauled again. Why do the kids not listen to me and shut the $#@*&% gate. So this time she was even closer to death than the first time it happened only a few days ago. Anyway I carried her home , and plastered the rawlieghs on and now she is up again and very sore. I have rules that nobody or the chinaman follows (sumc**t) other than me id it.

Then after that was done, feed puppies and they all fell down the step and screamed their little hearts out for me to come save them, then i blogged and started this blogger., did the washing, hung them out, washed the dishes, picked up after boys etc.....

now I have Michael Hutchins singing to me, Never tear us apart. Pity he had to do himself away????????? I Iove music, If I have anything it is music. I t keeps me together.

When I get depressed, I play it loud, to get me out of it. the depression I mean.. It mite take me a few days to wake up to what is happening to me, but in the end it works for me.

so what else do you want me to talk about, about puttin another brick in the wall. or///////

anyway Paul come home with the rest of the timber and after much talk about doing it he got to it nd the shadecloth cover is over the back, i will post a pic when the sun gives light tumorru.
and then we had snags for tea or as he calls them mystery bags. and then i am here stuck to the computer talking to you, and that is what i love to do. now goo goo dolls are on with iris, p,ease listen to this song it means so much to me and should mean something to you too. Everything is made to be broken_________ and you can't fight the tears that are coming.. I just want you to know ho I am. this is my death song.

"And I'd give up forever to touch you
"cause I know that you feel me somehow
you're the closet to heaven that i'll ever be
and i don't want to go home right now

and all i can taste is this moment
and all i can breathe is your life
cause sooner or later it's over
i just don't wanna miss you tonight

and i don't want the world to see me
cause i don't think that they would understand
when everything's made to be broken
i just want you to know who i am.

and you can't fight the tears that ain't coming
or the moment of truth in your lies
when everything feels like the movies
and you bleed just to know you are alive"

So this is me, and my day, now i have red hot chillies peppers on, wow what a band, and a spunk too,

bye now happy blogging to all, hope you liked my ramble, something might happen a bit more exciting tomorrow.

I will do a profile of my life on this site, you never know wht might come up. I have been agood girl and a BAD girl.

night all.

all my love JULIE

Phrases of my life???????

I don't suffer from insanity; I enjoy every minute of it.
Some people are alive only because it's illegal to kill them.

I used to have a handle on life, but it broke.

You're just jealous because the voices only talk to me

I'm not a complete idiot -- Some parts are missing.
Ever stop to think, and forget to start again?

Procrastinate Now!

They call it PMS because MadCow Disease was already taken.

The trouble with life is there's no background music.

I smile because I don't know what the hell is going on???????????????????????


Thank you Merle for sending me these, you know me well.

above is a picture of Brock's feet, with pins stuck thru his toenails, what a sick kid. That's the type of thing he does when he gets bored.


" I've got problems. Every time I go to bed I think there's somebody under it. I'm scared. I think I'm going crazy."
"Just put yourself in my hands for one year," said the shrink. "Come talk to me three times a week, and we should be able to get rid of those fears."
"How much do you charge?"
"Eighty dollars per visit, replied the doctor."
"Lemme think about it," said Bubba.
Six months later the doctor met Bubba on the street. "Why didn't you ever come to see me about those fears you were having?" asked the psychiatrist.
"Well Eighty bucks a visit three times a week for a year is an awful lot of money! A bartender cured me for $10. I was so happy to have saved all that money that I went and bought me a new pickup!"
"Is that so! And how, may I ask, did a bartender cure you?"
"He told me to cut the legs off the bed! - Ain't nobody under there now !!!"

The Devil made me do it??


The nun teaching Sunday school was speaking to her class one morning and she asked the question,

"When you die and go to Heaven...which part of your body goes first?"

Suzy raised her hand and said, "I think it's your hands."

Why do you think it's your hands, Suzy?"

Suzy replied, "Because when you pray, you hold your hands together in front of you and God just takes your hands first."
Wow, what a wonderful answer!" the nun said.

Little Johnny raised his hand and said, "Sister, I think it's your legs."

The nun looked at him with the strangest look on her face.

"Now Johnny, why do you think it would be your legs?"

Little Johnny said, "Well, I walked into Mommy and Daddy's bedroom the other night.

Mommy had her legs straight up in the air and she was saying,

"Oh God, I'm coming!"

"If Dad hadn't pinned her down, we'd have lost her."

The Nun fainted

Goo Goo Dolls - Iris

this is my favorite song in the whole world.

Why not Blog?

Well I have done it this is blog no. 2. I have another 1 you know.
I am going to try to have a real go at blogging, in here, I know and others do too that I can ramble on, so here goes. For my first post I will say I have enjoyed reading other peoples blogs for about 2 years or so now, and never really had a go at my own. I have come across some funny, some sad, some totally enthrawling and some downright boring. So lets hope I can get somewhere in the middle.
This is what my 18 year old son did to his 2002 Ford Courier Diesel ute on the 20th November 2006. He had driven the long drive from where we live 3 hours from Melbourne to take me to hospital to have my finger removed. On the way home he was going along the road changing speed limits as you do from the 60km to the 80km to the hundred km coming out of a country town. The car in front with 6 people in it slowed down to a near stop with no tail lights and Dylan had no where to go but slam on the breaks and go off the road into a light pole and through a fence and end up upside down. He was not injured, only bruising from the seat belt. he spent the night in the Geelong Hospital. That was the Monday, he came to visit me in the Melbourne hospital first thing Wednesday morning, and showed me this picture below, or above wherever it ended up/ and said mum this is my car????????? well I never believed him at first. And yes it was. He did not want anyone to tell me he wanted to tell me himself. I had spoken to many people that knew in the previous days and no-one said a thing. What a good boy he was to do that. He knew I would have discharged myself and gone to him.

So that is story no. 1 for now. I will be back again soon. Thanks for looking. Julie